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BREXIT or not, your company is looking to base itself in France. We can help you.

When it comes to employment and labour law, the French system is known for being complex. Foreign companies can be dissuaded from establishing themselves in France, where employment is regulated by rigid legislation and cumbersome fiscal and administrative systems. Flexi-Entrepreneur helps you bypass these complications, offering a quick, efficient, ultra-flexible solution: portage salarial, or "umbrella services."

What is it and how does it work?

Umbrella services are a contract for the provision of services that bind an umbrella company, a commissioned employee, and a corporate client (with head offices in France or abroad) who is looking to hire that person without time constraints or administrative obligations.

The system offers many benefits to your company, such as the fact that:

-       With regard to umbrella companies, French legislation is very well structured.

-       It makes it possible to employ staff in France minus the burdens and incertitude of recruitment by creating a company in France without having to register with various legal, fiscal, and social institutions.

-       It is simple and non-binding in the long term for companies that don't have sufficient visibility regarding the sustainability of a given job or position.

-       It concerns assignments which can have variable and potentially renewable durations.

-       It is established through dematerialized contracts with electronic signatures, which means contracts can be signed remotely and contractual relationships can be secured swiftly.

-       Umbrella company contracts signed with corporate clients can be drafted in English.

-       Their implementation speed makes it possible for agreements to take effect in just a few hours.

-       Your company's data and identity are protected by our strict confidentiality policy.

Umbrella services are therefore a win-win solution for all parties involved, since:

-       Your company only needs to pay a bill for the provision of services and is released from carrying out any formalities, which are handled directly by Flexi-Entrepreneur.

-       Flexi-Entrepreneur oversees all necessary steps inherent to French personnel hired on an ad hoc basis, in other words, by establishing pay slips, paying employers' and employees' social security contributions to authorized institutions. In a nutshell, Flexi-Entrepreneur handles all aspects of administrative management.

-       Commissioned employees receive a monthly salary and keep the employee status which grants them social protection (health insurance, unemployment insurance, pension plan, etc.), while working independently, like freelancers.

For more information, please call FLEXI ENTREPRENEUR on +33 (0)1 85 08 06 96 or Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.

We will answer all your questions in English and Spanish.